Tuesday, September 26, 2023



PHENOMENALITY: *marvelous*

I've never understood the rationale of ultra-short OVA serials. I assume that they're primarily directed at what used to be the home video market, and I suppose a short OVA might have more chance to catch fire than any of the one-shot show-pilots that used to fill time on commercial TV. But it's still a pretty slim chance, so maybe there's some economic reason behind the practice, like a studio intending to take a monetary loss for tax purposes.

In a semi-futuristic Japanese town called Mikado, all we know is that this otherwise modern-looking world is that a lot of people have access to battle-mecha. Criminals (one mastermind in each of VICTORY's two episodes) use mecha to pull off robberies, knowing that the Mikado cops will unleash-- SAILOR VICTORY! And Sailor Victory is five high-school girls in sailor-suits who can merge to command three fighting robots.

Wait, what? Five girls command three robots? I don't think the creators of this OVA knew whether they wanted to do VOLTRON or BUBBLEGUM CRISIS.

The robot-on-robot action is forgettable, but the character designs are OK, and I suppose the jokes were too. However, an hour after watching it, the only joke I remember is the team's tech-girl fits one of the mecha-robots with a drill-hand, and the robot's pilot objects because drills aren't feminine enough.

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