Friday, August 30, 2024


The categories I introduce today have become more or less "imperative" because I've reviewed so many items on this blog that at times I myself lose track of some of the more obscure items I've covered. Hence, fourteen new categories will be added to new and old reviews over who-knows-how-long-a-time, so that I can easily remind myself which musty old Eurohorrors or chopsockies I've analyzed. These will be in addition to those already established, most of which involve my NUM formula or theories about the four mythoi of fiction. Most of the new subject headings should be self-explanatory, concerning various departments of popular culture or phenomena therein. Two or three new headings build on things I've written on the other blogs, but I won't trouble to delineate those since they concern my overall critical theory and will be of no use to the casual reader.

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