Monday, June 10, 2024



PHENOMENALITY: *marvelous*

Renato Polselli must have enjoyed working with the three principal actors of 1972's DELIRIUM-- Mickey Hargitay, Rita Calderoni, and Christa Barrymore-- because they're all back in this subsequent flick. Barrymore, though, gets the short end of the stick, for she's just one of various female victims knocked off to facilitate "the reincarnation" of a long dead witch.

Whatever minor virtues were present in DELIRIUM, though, were left behind when Polselli concocted this dumb farrago of murders and Satanism. As in the 1972 film, the story's driven by the murder of nubile women, whose blood is used in a witch-cult's attempt to revive the corpse of Isabel (Calderoni). For some reason none of the lesser girls work until the cultists come across the actual reincarnation of Isabel. Young Laureen (also Calderoni) fortuitously shows up, along with her uncle (Hargitay), at the very castle where the Satanists are conducting their experiment. And so a bad time is had by all.

ISABEL is so disjointed, I could easily believe everyone making the movie was on drugs. The only memorable bit of goofiness is when one of the witches announces that he's actually Count Dracula-- and then, absolutely nothing more is said about the matter!

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