Tuesday, October 10, 2023



PHENOMENALITY: *marvelous*

Yes, RAIGA VS. OHGA is the awful, bargain-basement streaming-show I watched some months back, that almost caused me to miss the pretty-decent kaiju film that started off the series, REIGO. 

Even though OHGA was made ten years after the other two films in this quasi-series, it looks like something a juvenile FX-expert, such as a young Jim Danforth, might have cobbled together in his garage. Both the puppetry and animated effects for the two battling monsters of the title are abominable.

Further, even though OHGA is, like RAIGA, a lame kaiju-comedy, at least RAIGA had some cute young ladies reciting silly dialogue. This time, what comedy there is is played out between the bumbling members of the Japan Defense Force and two American CIA agents dressed like the Blues Brothers. But it's not even comedy as such, just a lot of infantile horsing around.

This pitiable farce ends with the two title monsters getting slain by a bomb which also causes them to combine into a third form, while a fourth monster shows up to join the fun. Happily, there have been no sequels to this embarrassment, and IMDB claims that writer-director Hayashiya is now working on a project with two new monsters. I'd like to think it could only be an improvement, but that's probably just wishful thinking.

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