Sunday, August 16, 2020


PHENOMENALITY: *marvelous*
FRYEAN MYTHOS: *adventure*
CAMPBELLIAN FUNCTIONS: *psychological, sociological*

The one-shot outing for Van Johnson’s Minstrel is written by the team of Francis and Marion Cockrell, who crafted an above-average episode with “The Thirteenth Hat.” The episode is one of the strongest second-season stories, though, as with Bookworm, one isn’t inclined to regret that the villain never re-appeared. Despite being a charming singer and an electronic genius, Minstrel is—to invoke the obvious pun—a little too “one-note.”
His moneymaking plot, though, is more inventive than most such big scores. Minstrel uses electronic oscillators (or something like that) to play havoc with the Gotham Stock Exchange, and then he demands regular protection payments to be sent to a bank account in Switzerland. For once, the heroes don’t have a villain who conveniently sends them clues as to his next crime; they just have to figure out where in Gotham the evildoer is based.

During their quest, the script sets up the duel between Batman and the Minstrel as one between scienfitic geniuses, not to mention being a duel of two attractive guys (even if Johnson’s matinee-idol days were behind him). Minstrel’s moll Octavia continues the tradition of lusting after the manly crusader and hoping that it won’t be necessary to slay the noble lawman. However, when the crimefighters blunder into the Minstrel’s hideout and get captured, they’re condemned to be roasted to death on an electronic spit. However, Batman shows a little more foresight than he does in most of the deathtrap-setups, for he seeds the hideout with diversionary “Bat-bombs.” Thus, even though the Minstrel and his gang don’t intend to leave the room before their foes perish, the bombs lure the crooks away long enough for the heroes to make their escape.

Though the Minstrel and his henchmen escape, Octavia gives herself up. But this time, Batman seems to mildly flirt with the woman before letting her go. However, he only does so because he’s planted a bug in her purse, hoping she’ll lead the heroes to her employer. However, once again the savvy schemer counteracts Batman’s gambit by finding the bug, much to Octavia’s indignation. Minstrel then ups the game by threatening to decimate Gotham with subsonic waves, but his eagerness to be on hand for a payoff marks finis to his career.

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